Thursday, September 3, 2009

Have you ever made a list of things that you wanted to do or have with the expectation that you would never have the opportunity to fulfill it then find yourself in the middle of it manifesting in front of your eyes. This has happened to me a couple of times in my life.

One was of me standing at the chancel a beautiful church watching the girl of my dreams march down the aisle towards me. The other happened just a few weeks ago while I was looking out the airplane window watching the plane squeeze inside a valley between the peaks of the Himalayas. It was a surreal experience watching the terrain zip past you at the same altitude as the plane and the runway at the same level of the clouds in front of you.

I always daydreamed of coming to Tibet. I was in 10th Grade English class when I had put a list together of places that I wanted to visit before I died. Little did I know back then that this would be the genesis of my “Bucket List”. The list has been modified several times with age and wisdom however the number One item has always remained the same: Lhasa, Tibet then to Base Camp Everest!

So there we were, Christina and I standing outside the airport struggling to breathe because the air was so thin at 12,000 feet above sea level. The skies were so blue and the clouds so white, the only place that I have seen anything this beautiful before was hiking in Alaska or driving down the solitary east coastline on the South Island of New Zealand. To date, the three most spectacular landscapes that I have ever experienced.

I sent a text message to my friend Rich back in California who is quite the skilled photographer and told him I wish that he were here with us because I could not capture the shear beauty that was in front of me. He responded back via text “…no one can”. It was comforting to know ahead of time that any attempt to harness the ethereal beauty of this place was going to be futile. I have attached some pictures but they do no justice. Just know that this place is beyond words and pictures.

To be continued…

1 comment:

Larry said...

Beautiful photos, vic. Looks like you don't need any skills at all to make them look good.