I wrote this last year when we had our first Thanksgiving abroad. It still applys....
Dear Family and Friends:
This year Christina & I have found ourselves in the unique position of observing the Thanksgiving Holiday in Shanghai China. Celebrating a tradition that is uniquely American in a country that has no real ‘connection” to the Western holiday season has given us a new appreciation for the spirit of this holiday. Right after Halloween, advertising switches gears from ghosts and goblins to images of fall cornucopias, football and gap holiday ads. The air is clean and crisp and The malls are filled with white holiday lights and the spicy scent of cinnamon and holly. The air is electric with the anticipation of the holiday season.
Today, while the air is brisk it is not so clean nor is it crisp. In lieu of scents of the holiday season, the aroma of freshly fired dumplings and diesel fuel waft through the streets and alleyways. Conversations about where you are going to celebrate the long weekend and with whom are going to watch football games with are replaced with “are you working this weekend” and did “Real Madrid win last night?”. There is however one saving grace. Other Americans. Other Americans working along side of us going through the same thing. Nostalgic for all that defines this time of year. Family and friends. A simple gesture like asking us what we are doing today for lunch and where can we get a decent Turkey sandwich in this town becomes a beautiful sound. Not that a turkey lunch or dinner defines the holiday but rather the Turkey meal becomes a manifestation of all that links you back home. A sight and taste that links you back to family, friends and familiar surroundings.
This year we both have a greater appreciation for all that we have and all that we’ve done. We are both very Thankful for all of you: Family & friends new and old. Living abroad has given us the opportunity to be grateful for all the wonderful and beautiful people in our lives that are so far away but always close to our hearts. It has also given us the opportunity to be grateful to be citizens of a brave and beautiful country. The freedoms and wealth that we have are sometimes forgotten when we are not constantly reminded by those that have less. China has been a catalyst reminding us of our fortunate lives.
We miss you all and love you all….Happy Thanksgiving
With Love,
Vic & Christina
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